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Kate Mularczyk
4 min read
Pet Insurance - should I get it?
Should I get Pet Insurance for my dog? What is the BEST insurance? Whenever I see this question posted in our Bayside Dog Owners Group -...
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Kate Mularczyk
4 min read
An Older Dog is Joining Your Family!
So, you have a new family member arriving and it is not a baby (phew!) and it is not a puppy - even more exciting - it is an older dog! ...
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Kate Mularczyk
3 min read
Yay! A Puppy is joining your family!
Congratulations! You are adding a brand new puppy to your family - it is such an exciting time for you - and the puppy! I thought I'd do...
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Kate Mularczyk
3 min read
Summertime dangers for your dog
In Summer here in Melbourne there's a few (extra) things dog us owners need to worry about. 1. Extreme heat: ie sometimes, it gets to...
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Kate Mularczyk
2 min read
The pitfalls of Easter for our dogs
I actually don't know anyone who doesn't like a bit of chocolate. I mean, sure there are some people who say they don't but really? ...
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Kate Mularczyk
4 min read
What to do if your dog is attacked
UPDATED 21 July, 2021 Many of us have had the experience of our dog being in a fight whether it be a result of an outright attack or just...
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