UPDATED 1st April, 2024
where dogs are allowed off lead (with restrictions). If you don't see the park that you want to go to - it means that dogs are not allowed OFF lead there at all. Read on for more information. The City of Kingston offers 30 OFF LEAD parks for you and your dog
(Still a work in progress. More to come as you can see.)
See the list of Bayside City Council off lead parks here

On the website Kingston Council want the following from you, as a dog owner...
Please do not let your dog off the leash until you enter the off-leash area, which will be clearly marked by signs in the reserves.
When a dog is being exercised off a leash in an off-leash area the owner must:
remain in effective voice or hand control of the dog so you can promptly place the dog on a leash, if that becomes necessary
carry a leash which you can use to bring the dog under effective control if the dog causes a nuisance to any person or animal
not allow the dog to worry or threaten any person or animal
always keep the dog in sight
bring the dog under control if it is or is likely to be within twenty metres of - the arena or ground of an organised sporting or practice event - an occupied children's playground area - an organised public meeting or event - an occupied permanent barbecue or picnic area
Remember, Council’s rangers patrol all reserves and streets and may approach anyone who is walking a dog on or off leash. Should you be walking your dog off-leash where it needs to be on a leash, you may face a fine. City Of Kingston provides 30 Off Lead Reserves for your enjoyment.
According to the Kingston City Council website, there are three FULLY ENCLOSED OFF LEAD PARKS:
These are Kevin Hayes Reserve, Reg Marlow Park and Snowdon Reserve HOWEVER, there are more than that. Iluka Reserve in Aspendale, Deering Lane Reserve in Cheltenham, Farm Rd Reserve also in Cheltenham and Roy Dore Reserve in Carrum.

Here are ALL of the parks in Kingston where dogs are allowed off lead
click the suburb to learn more about their off lead parks
Browns Lane, Aspendale

This is a very large recreation area that we accessed via the football club car park down Brown's Lane. Access for all types of users from sports players to cyclists to families and also off lead dogs. There is a great, wide pathway going along Brown's Lane which is on lead for dogs as is the oval and pavilion area. Featuring a large area for dogs that also includes delicious mud puddles (the previous night we had loads of rain). Public toilets at the pavilion were locked the day we went there. There is a dog water tap off to the right of the pavilion near one of the oval lights and rubbish bins placed sporadically throughout the walk.
None of the area is enclosed.
10A Parkview Drive, Aspendale

Also known as Edithvale Common.
This is a football oval so is a shared off lead space with the sporting club. It's not fully enclosed as gates have been removed. There is water and shelter available at the pavilion. Water consists of a saucepan tethered by a chain as well as a free ranging silver bowl.
Also at the pavilion is a rubbish bin and poop bag station.
Tarongo Lane, Aspendale
Although not listed on the Kingston Council Website as being fully enclosed, the back section of this park is and it is another wonderful space for those who require a secure off lead space.

What a lovely space. This boasts quite a few rubbish bins with dog poop bag stations and also drink stations.
There is a children's playground, picnic table but no toilets.
There is a large, fully enclosed off lead area, complete with airlock gateway and drink station inside.
Plenty of shade, a few bench seats and lots of sniffing opportunities.
25 Nurten Parade, Aspendale Gardens
This park is off lead only between the hours of 5pm and 10am and is well signed

This is a nicely looked after space. Sadly no water stations and no poop bag stations available but there is a rubbish bin at each end.
Lovely and grassy, there is plenty of shade, one concrete pathway that stretches the whole length and two bench seats.
Bonbeach Sports Reserve
116 Bondi Road, Bonbeach

This is a large, open expanse bordered on two sides with mature trees. The other side is houses and the remaining is the carpark.
This offers 3 bench seats and the seat near the carpark has a large silver bucket chained to it containing water for the dogs.
There is a human/dog drinking water station opposite the reserve outside the off lead area on a walking path. There is a bin/poop bag station near the pavilion. There are cricket nets to the left and this space looks like a football oval but no goal posts. Offers good sniffing opportunities and plenty of running free space. This park is not enclosed.
Roy Dore Reserve
Thelma Street, Carrum

This FULLY FENCED off lead park has been newly refurbished according to council "This $367k development was made possible with support from the Victorian Government and is the first fenced, off-leash dog park in the southern part of Kingston." The park features 3 'airlock' gates and is well signed as to where the on and off lead sections are.
There is a path going around and loads of lovely, shady mature trees on the perimeter. Quite luscious grass for this time of the year (February) and while we were there, there was a large water truck watering the grounds - take note Bayside Council! This park features 3 rubbish bin/poop bag stations inside the park but just the one human/dog drink station. There are new plantings in the middle which will make a lovely, cool shaded area. Also has logs/rocks which council lists as "Nature play' dog activity areas including logs and boulders" Council also lists that the space has "Interactive surfaces with, including grass, gravel and mulch" which really is not interactive unless your dogs are like mine and love to eat grass. I wouldn't encourage my dogs to interact with mulch (ie dig!)